mikemaihack on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/mikemaihack/art/80s-X-Girls-322898100mikemaihack

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mikemaihack's avatar

80s X-Girls



First off, I apologize for posting a commission when I’ve said I’m not taking commissions. But this guy’s had been hounding me since early spring and he finally caught me on a good day. Plus, really- how could I say no to this? Storm, Rogue, Psylocke, and Dazzler sporting their fabulous 80?s fashions? Yeah, twist my arm. ;)

Apparently this is also for a tattoo.

EDIT: Thanks for all the nice comments, everyone! Apologies for the lack of time to respond to you all individually.
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820x850px 421.13 KB
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GhostShell5's avatar

Fun Piece. Excellent work.